5 Lies That Kept Me Broke

5 Lies That Kept Me Broke

Aug 29, 2024
Several years ago, I was a young salesperson living paycheck to paycheck. I wasn't able to go out on a date (or by myself) without having to check my hank account first or plan for the future. I wasn't able to make investments, take care of anyone - let alone myself - and I didn't have a lot of options.

Then suddenly, I became a top 1% income earner as a sales professional. I quickly eliminated debt and was able to save up hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank, buy fancy cars and eat expensive dinners - without having to consult my banking app.

Today, I run a multimillion dollar business and have several investments that provide my family with additional income. I'm free to do what I want, when I want. 

Although I don't have enough money to purchase entire social media companies for tens of billions of dollars like Elon Musk, my family and I do live an incredibly comfortable life.

Over the years, I've spent a lot of time studying my own financial evolution in an attempt to understand why I was able to go from earning $40,000 per year to joining the top 1% - so I can help others do the same.

Ultimately, the main difference between being broke and being rich boils down to your belief system.

Here's the 5 lies that kept me (and most others) broke:

Lie #1: 'I'm talented - opportunity and success will come to me - I don't have to work that hard!'

This may be a tough pill to swallow for you - like it was for me - but the truth is that if you're not being compensated like a true professional, you aren't one. Regardless of how 'good' you think you are, you are going to have to put intentional effort on developing your skills.

Lie #2: 'I don't need to invest in mentors and coaches, I'll learn from experience.'

When I was broke, I never paid for coaches or mentors. I thought I would 'learn the hard way'. All I ever found were hard times. When I decided to make personal investments into books, courses and programs, I was subconsciously validating that I was worth investing in and that I could improve. I have never found an investment in my personal development to be a waste of money.

Lie #3: 'I'm comfortable with the friends I have, I don't need to network or build any new relationships.'

I hate to break it to you, but losing 'friends' is part of leveling up - especially when it comes to substantially increasing your net worth. Remember, if you have 4 rich friends, you're likely to become the 5th.

Lie #4: 'That's too big of a risk, I'll just stay where I'm at.'

Before pursuing entrepreneurship and starting my own businesses, I had to leave a sales job where I was earning $500,000/yr. Taking off the platinum handcuffs was no doubt one of the biggest risks I've ever taken. But I would never be where I am today if I decided to stay where I was.

Lie #5: 'That's unrealistic.'

It was hard to picture myself driving a new Porsche while I was driving a beat up Nissan - until I created a goal to actually make it happen. It was difficult to imagine earning several hundred thousand dollars in a year - until I created a goal and plan to making it happen. Becoming a millionaire was impossible until I believed that I could make it happen. Ultimately, you have to remove your limiting beliefs and live life in alignment with your goals.

My life changed dramatically when I stopped lying to myself and removed self limiting beliefs. Identifying the lies you are telling yourself is critical to your personal growth and development.

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