My team and I talk to hundreds of people every single day. As a sales training and personal development company, our job is help identify additional ways of providing other people with tools, resources and products that can help other people experience more success in sales and in their personal lives. Unfortunately, most people hit a road block when it comes to improving, developing and realizing their own potential.
That's because most people are lying to themselves.
The #1 lie that people tell themselves is that they are 'good'. If you think you're 'good', think again. The vast majority of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, unable to provide the quality of lives for themselves and their families that they really want. Unfortunately, most people have lost sight of their goals and have found a way to settle for a live they never really wanted.
The road to reaching your potential begins with being brutally honest with yourself.
When I finally decided to begin reaching for success, I had to confront the excuses and lies I had been telling myself and be honest with myself. It's difficult to take responsibility for where you are in life - especially if your reality doesn't look like you want it to be. Regardless of where you are at in life, it can always get better - and you know that.
So, when did you decide to sell off your goals and dreams for a life of comfort and mediocrity?
Each of us grow up with goals, aspirations, ambitions and a list of things we want to achieve. But somewhere along the line, life becomes difficult and it becomes easy to succumb to an average life. In turn, we create excuses and lies to justify why we don't have the lives we dreamed of having when we were younger. And we get stuck.
Getting unstuck begins with being brutally honest with yourself. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
A classic photo of a young boy looking at a Porsche 911
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