The 2 Reasons You Hate Making Sales Calls

The 2 Reasons You Hate Making Sales Calls

Aug 29, 2024

If you find it difficult to make sales calls, you're not alone. Getting in front of prospects and reaching new customers on a daily basis can become a serious 'grind'. It doesn't really matter what you sell, you're going to experience 'cold call reluctance' sooner or later - and there's a reason for that.

There's 2 reasons why you don't want to make sales calls.

Reason #1: You lack discipline.

Am I telling you that you're lazy? Kind of. Look, you already know what everyone knows... the more calls you make, the more money you'll make. You've already been told that 'sales is a numbers game', and that's true. Instead of developing the discipline to do the things you don't want to do, you find yourself making excuses. No, you don't need another coffee or energy drink. No, you don't need to scroll throw Instagram and get motivated by images of exotic cars. What you need to do is knock that next door or pick up the phone and make that next call. Don't overthink it - just do it.

Reason #2: You aren't prepared.

Knowing what to do and knowing what to do next are two completely different things. If you're not scripted and prepared for what to do next, you're going to lack confidence in any activity you participate in. You probably have a favorite athlete and look up to them for their ability to perform at a high level and win. The reason they are in that position is because of the countless hours they have spent training, preparing and perfecting their approach. If you aren't doing the same training and preparation in your career - shame on you.

The good news and the bad news...

The Good News: You can definitely get better at sales. You can read books, watch more Youtube videos or even join The Sales Academy. You'll develop awareness, learn new strategies and improve your ability to sell. You'll likely make more money and provide your family a better life than the one you have now. 

The Bad News: It doesn't matter how good you get, you're always going to have to do the work. In fact, making sales calls gets even harder when you start making more money. You'll always have to confront your own excuses and overcome your desire to do less. You might not ever find a way to enjoy making sales calls day in and day out - but a better life exists on the other side of all the things you don't want to do.

Remember: Everything you want is on the other side of doing what you don't want to do.