In 2013, I was living in New York City and was absolutely disgusted with my life. I was living paycheck to paycheck, accumulating more debt and lived in a tiny apartment in Queens. Despite being the top sales person at the company I worked at, my income was capped and couldn't even afford happy hour drinks with coworkers.
One morning, I woke up and had finally had 'enough'.
I was tired of being broke.
So I made a commitment to pursue financial success and to eliminate anything that stood in my way.
'I'm giving up girls until I'm debt-free and bank $100,000'
So I gave up girls.
I deleted all my dating apps. I deleted every phone number in my phone from any girl I dated in the past. I also made an agreement with myself that I wouldn't go on any dates with anyone - not even coffee. No Netflix and chill. No nothing. Not until I reached my financial goal.
It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
Shortly after making this commitment, I moved to Miami, Florida to pursue a new sales opportunity. The temptation to immerse myself into Miami's sexy party culture was always in front of me - and the temptation was strong. But I made a promise to myself and continued to stay focused.
17 months later, I had $109,000 in my bank account and had no debt.
The truth is: you'll always get exactly what you want most.
I spent most of my life wanting financial success, but never wanted it as much as I wanted attention from girls. So, instead of doing the things I needed to in order to experience success, I chased girls. I spent time trying to get attention. I spent money trying to impress others. I spent my energy trying to maintain relationships that I shouldn't have.
When I finally decided to want something else more than what I previously wanted, I got what I wanted: financial success.
And you can get what you want, too.
Just remember: you have to want what you really want MORE want what you want now.