big confidence in a small box

CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers
CashCards: Flashcards For Closers

CashCards: Flashcards For Closers


Never struggle with another sales objection!

Each deck of Cashcards: Flashcards for Closers includes:

- 50 Common Sales Objections & 50 Proven Responses
- Durable, High Quality Box
- Additional Interactive QR-Enabled Cards For Support

With over 60,000 decks being used by sales professionals around the world, there's no question that Cashcards will work for you - regardless of what you sell or what industry you're in.

Master these objection responses the same way you memorized math equations as a kid - with flashcards!

Grab a deck (or several for your team) today!

Proudly Made & Manufactured In The USA

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the perfect objection training tool doesn't ex--

Oh wait... It does.

Orders Fulfilled Every 24 Hours

Our in-house team fulfills orders every day so you can order with confidence knowing that you won't have to wait long for your Cashcards to be delivered directly to your home or business.

easy to memorize

It's simple: there's one sales objection on each side of the card and a proven response on the other side. Memorizing, internalizing and personalizing each response is quick!

immediate r.o.i.

No matter what you sell, you're going to hear objections for the rest of your life. The proven responses on each Cashcard provide you with a lifetime of ROI so you can make more money.

The #1 Sales Training Tool For Handling Objections

  • Pricing, Budget & Payment Objections
  • Stalls Objections
  • Missing 3rd Party Objections
  • Term & Contract Objections
  • Cold Calling Objections
  • Gatekeeper Objections
  • 50 Total Objections For Sales Professionals

Question-based closing at its finest.

Stop using pushy, aggressive and confrtontational 'closes'.

Stop getting tongue-tied when thinking about what to say.

Stop wasting time trying to find what you're looking for on
Youtube and old sales books.

Start handling objections like a boss today.

JOIN 60,000+ closers worldwide



Frequently asked questions:

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